Books on Writing

(Note To Parents: A number of the books listed below contain material within their examples that is not appropriate for all ages.)

Books on Writing

The Elements of Fiction Bundle (Writer’s Digest Books)(Recommended)
Conflict, Action & Suspense by William Noble
Characters and Viewpoints by Orson Scott Card
Scene & Structure by Jack M Brickham
Beginnings Middles & Ends by Nancy Kress
Plot by Ansen Dibell
Descriptions by Monica Wood

The Elements of Style by Strunk & White
The Write Way by Richard Lederer & Richard Dowis

Plot and Structure by James Scott Bell
Revision and Self-editing by James Scott Bell
Plot vs. Character by Jeff Gerke

The Scene Book by Sandra Scofield
Stein on Writing by Sol Stein
Fiction Writing Demystified by Thomas B. Sawyer
Writing the Breakout Novel by Donald Maass
Getting Into Character by Brandilyn Collins

Writing for the Soul by Jerry B. Jenkins
Writing in Obedience by Terry Burns & Linda W. Zezak

Screenwriting Books: 

The Screenwriter’s Bible 6th Edition Expanded & Updated by David Trottier
Save the Cat by Blake Snyder

Resource Books for Fiction Writers:

What Every Body Is Saying by Joe Navarro
Verbal Judo by George J. Thompson, PH.D. & Jerry B Jenkins
Find out Anything From Anyone Anytime by James O. Pyle & Maryann Karinch

The Emotion Thesaurus by Angela Ackerman & Becca Puglisi  (Also by these authors: The Emotional Wound Thesaurus, The Rural Setting Thesaurus, The Urban Setting Thesaurus, etc.)

Formatting & Submitting Your Manuscript by Chuck Sambuchino and the Editors of the Writer’s Digest Books

The Sell your Novel Tool Kit by Elizabeth Lyon

Business Tips and Taxes for Writers by Carol Topping, CPA

The Christian Writers Market Guide (Buy the copy for the current year not an old copy. They become outdated very quickly)